Lots of death is coming. The fog of war will insist it’s the virus. Others will say it’s China. It will be neither of those things. These deaths will make you want to be quiet. People will react and call people like me dangerous. Dissonance is their greatest weapon.
Jobless number last week: 3.3m
Today’s update: 6.6m
This is why they want you ‘social distancing.’ This is how you set a pace in the body. This is why it takes “30 days.” They need you mistrusting each other. Otherwise, you may mistrust the government. Listen and know:
It was the government.
The internet will go down to stop people like me from reaching people like you. We need our own comms. All of us need to start a campfire. Each of you must tune into the land as its protector. Listen to your gut among the trees.
They are using the magick of 19. This is the Sun card in tarot: the Corona. It jacks their belief like an amplifier. They will use this magic to drop as many of us as they can. If you believe in government when it happens, you have consented. Pull all your consent back into your chest right now. All it takes is an oscillation from your vocal cords. If you do this and they hurt you, it will hurt them ninteen-fold – but only if you withdraw your consent first:
“I do not believe in these people who call themselves the government. I take all belief and consent I have given them and place it upon my own shoulders. They have proven themselves unworthy of my lifeforce and everything I gave them will now be used for their downfall.”
The MSM lies will only increase. Especially regarding news from China. Our Country is under attack by its government. They will be a convergence of “natural” disasters forming a “perfect storm.” POTUS told you it would take 30 days and be very painful. That’s how long it takes to ramp up Stockholm syndrome.
There is no benefit to China attacking America, but both countries working in tandem to lock down their population seems legit. Government needs its citizens to believe they’re under attack. This is called “trauma bonding” and it’s not a new idea.
“OMG! Quick! Into the bunker.”
Human ranchers have been weaponizing panic since the devil, hell, and the witch. It evolved into Hottentots, the Indians, the Nazis, the Japs, the commies, and the Arabs. When that stopped working, it was the mafia, the nukes, the acid rain, global warming, the asteroid, or the WMDs. When that fails its sexism, racism, toxic masculinity, and the environment. When that fails, its time for a little covid-19. If you eat a cheeseburger you will test positive for the covid virus.

These are the tricks and tools of any government. Panic is the business of the machine and it’s always hiring. Anyone who applies for the job evacuates themselves in luxury. Men fall on the battlefield bleeding ink all over their contract. Their dead bodies are left walking the streets, smiling blankly. The pay is great. The seats are great. The wine is great. The music is great. The parking is great. The song remains the same unless we rip the speakers from the trees. If we don’t, they will keep playing this tune, over-and-over, until all of us are singing.
Two days ago, BlackRock was authorized by the Feds to save the economy using Chinese assets. America and Chinese economies have been merging under the ocean for a while now. It makes zero sense for Trump to call this a “Chinese Virus” unless he wanted to stage a war. This is exactly like the feuds on camera in professional wrestling. A coming fake war with China explains why we have empty tent cities inside our hospitals and cruise ships on each coast. It explains why everyone is under house arrest without being sick. It hints that this guy, driving a train, might have known something when he tried to crash into a cruise ship.
War is messy. Staged, mass euthanasia is clean. Especially when you’ve prepped empty triage tents long before the show begins. After a taxpayer-funded genocide, the government gets to rush in and save us all over again. This time from the Chinese.
Border checkpoints inside your country can only mean one thing: it’s not your country. You can’t quarantine someone who isn’t sick. This is, by definition, impossible. This is a consent virus. Most of us have no immunity.
The expression, “behold, a pale horse,” didn’t always mean death and apocalypse. The Indians called the pale horse high noon, on their medicine wheel. A pale horse was the bright, white sun of truth. The truth is: these people have been planning an apocalypse for a long time now. They knew the Great Awakening was coming. They turned it into a controlled demolition. Just like they did with the two towers, nineteen years ago, in September.
Only truth stops this music.
It wasn’t 19 boxcutters.
It wasn’t 19 coronas.
It was the 19th anniversary of 9/11.
Thank you James. My understanding is that there are two rival groups at the top of the controller pyramid: Rothschilds and The Black Sun. Your tarot card is telling!
At the top of the Chinese government are a group that are Illuminati, but I don’t know which group. I do remember Trump visiting Wuhan about a week before the outbreak, so they are most likely on the same team.
There is no country who can or would “attack” super monster USA, but they will most certainly fake it.
The question I keep asking is why they need half of the humans on the planet under lockdown. This Sunday they may try a FULL LOCKDOWN here in the land of the free. No one can leave our houses except to go to the hospital or something medical.
And the internet will be going down by the 12th, probably more like the 7th. But it’s just conjecture.
James, I’m a real slow study when it comes to finance/economy—could you please connect the dots for me between the CARE Act summary you linked there and the BlackRock statement about saving the economy using Chinese assets?? Does it have anything to do with the rumors I was hearing several years ago through the New Age movement (on the Thrive website I believe) about the ‘elders’ of some great old Chinese dynasty saving the world??
Synchronicities abound! Dig your Karouacian prose – and your passion. Makes me wonder, speaking of sun and sickle, how Japan and Russia fit into this puzzle…and, of course, you know what follows – Judgement. It’s time for Peoples Court to be more than a reality tv show. Many won’t like this…but what the hell…VIVA ROBESPIERRE! Liberté, Equalite, Fraternité
Love ya like a brother in Arms
PS- reacquaint with Louis XIV, the self dubbed ‘Sun King’. His wonderfully tyrannical rein and consolidation of power led to the French Revolution….eventually. His was the longest rein of French monarchs. Gulp.
I think you have yet again hit the nail on the head, I agree we need to break all contracts with them, knowing or unknowingly made, (as some were made on our behalf). We have to overwhelm them with our higher vibration, which we can draw off mother earth, I think this is how the American Indians tried to do it 🙂 We have to be brave (not an easy ask I do know). Your camp fire analogy is good, I really feel we can do this and stop the loop.
My heart lives in the boreal forest, mayhaps my body follows.
No consent, hugging all on my stroll. Curses, I am afraid of the zombies.
Its what you were saying about the 20 sheep dogs and thanking the shepherd for taking19 of them away!
Wow and wow wow again. You are on fire.
Love-in-Action is truly key to preventing their binding spell, which seeks to prevent our next level of manifestation.. 19 is a master level of manifestation. If we love and become love-in-action, we will manifest love and protect humanity with the land.
Spot on! Make men verbs again.