Gifts of Ba’al

An Oregon nurse was laid off. She doesn’t blame her hospital, though. She says, “They were just doing what they were told.” She blames the government. This is the best Apocalypse ever, but people are missing it because of their aversion to deceit. But look at what betrayal is teaching us. The Apocalypse was planned and it’s pretty epic. The sooner man sees the sunlight, the more we may bloom. These are the gifts of Ba’al.

Understanding Ba’al is a painful process. But pain is where the blossom forms. Lies teach us truth. Narcissism teaches us ego. Psychopathy teaches us compassion. Abortion teaches us sanctity. Circumcision teaches us trust. Vaccines teach us immunity. These are the gifts of Ba’al. Do we accept them? Or do we decide we must reject all evil and keep repeating the same mistakes? Until we do, we will continue to live in a society of human sacrifice. Washing someone’s feet teaches them how important they are. Jesus was a powerful magician. He left us this spell for our grimoire.

29 thoughts on “Gifts of Ba’al

  1. Hi James,

    This may help with the entities that silver may contain/restrain. I’m not an expert, but your statement intrigued me to do some digging. Not sure if what I found means “storing” of spirits, but definitely invoking. Maybe after invoking, they can be stored?? BTW – John Michel’s “Earth Spirit” book is a great resource explaining the literal ins and outs of the earth’s spirit in caves and caverns, etc.

    THE DAIMONES ARGYREOI (Silver Daemones) were the blessed fertility spirits of the earth which provided mankind with rich harvests. They were born as the second silver generation of mankind and became daemones after their deaths. The Daimones Argyreoi were inferior to the Daimones Khryseoi (Golden Spirits)–the Silver dwelt within the earth while the Golden dwelt in the air.


    Silver is used in rituals, magical spells, and talismans to invoke Moon-goddesses and in “drawing down the moon” ceremonies. The lunar forces are thought to control the female force, cycles, emotional and hormonal imbalances, reflecting or neutralizing negativity, dreams and intuition, psychic work and psychic abilities. It is said wearing silver jewelry will improve fertility, emotional balance, and hormonal stability. Silver is also believed to improve the assimilation of food, which is why young children (in their Moon-years) are traditionally given a silver fork and spoon to eat with. Water charged in silver chalices or cups for 6 to 24 hours is thought to contain the lunar archetype and is used in spells accordingly.


    Lead expands on heating and contracts on cooling more than any other solid heavy metal.Silver is the opposite and is considered an antidote to lead.


    As silver is very negative, that is, plastic and yielding, too much of it impairs initiative and hinders transmutation.

  2. Very sad to see that your path continues to carry you in this unholy direction.

    Your work of late ammounts to pure sabbateanism/frankism/antinomianism but you seem to have learned nothing from the destruction they wrought upon their misguided followers. Or perhaps such destruction is your goal like Tzvi before you?

    Transgressive “enlightenment” ala the sex addict, pedophilic, Vajrayana or the Cathar Gnostics and their Crowleyian successors with their semen eucharist.

    Teaching people that sin will liberate them.

    Absolutely gross, and destructive to the human spirit.

    If you truly believe what you are saying you should consume your own excrement for maximum illumination.

    Appalled that I was deceived by you, and that I ever gave you support by purchasing your book and sharing your materials with others.

    I repent of you.

    You sir, are a false prophet and snake in the grass, a whitened sepulcher.

    Is it not enough to damn yourself? You must spread this filth to others?

    1. Another self-righteous ape too concerned with protecting its infection to be able to comprehend any sort of prose or tone. Have you heard of irony? Have you heard of sarcasm? Another chaff to wash away when the time bores itself to relieve us all. Soulless, counterfeit muppet of the original curse.

    2. “Consume excrement for maximum illumination.” Then you close with a “filth” jab. Nice! What’s really sad, truthfully, are your writing skills. :/

  3. Absolute rubbish.

    “These are the gifts of Ba’al.”

    “Washing someone’s feet teaches them how important they are. Jesus was a powerful magician. He left us this spell for our grimoire.”

    Repent, child of Satan, before it’s too late.

  4. Is persuasion taught in nursing schools or do they just mimic other nurses in getting ppl to do stuff they dont want to do? In either case, idk, nurses probably all end up in hell.

  5. The thirty some years missing from Jesus’ life is summarized in a book entitled, “The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ”, though I can’t vouch for its veracity. Other than this book and the derogatory reference found in the Talmud, you are the first person I’ve ever known to refer to him as a magician. Well done and I’m inclined to agree to a large extent. Thank you.

  6. I was checking on some new articles, as I saw your video with Rickie from Boston, so now I saw you made another video, via that link below.
    I truly believe, you lost your mind!
    I actually came to your website via that interview with Richie, but how can say that in that video, that no one lost his life on 9/11? Very disappointing statement actually!

      1. Now, that’s a powerful truth right there. Yet, most folks might think you to be either wrong, a liar, or to be mentally disturbed. I know this from personal experience. Once I learned the earth can’t be shaped like a ball, it seemed like I learned many similarly PROFOUND FACTS, I mean Cognitive Dissonance-Triggering kinds of information, All TRUTH too. I also learned about a MYTHICAL JESUS, URINE THERAPY, MEAT, DAIRY, AND EGGS, and all this on top of 15 years of CRIME RESEARCH
        ( Conspiracy Theory?) and 30 years of Metaphysical Research. I digress…Your possible TRUTH that NOBODY died in the collapse of the Twin Towers and NOBODY died from COVID-19 are absolutely HATED by those associated with these amazing crimes. Plato was talking about YOU more than 2,500 years ago when he said, “No one is more HATED than he who speaks the Truth.” James True, you are one cool dude. You make God glad he does all this.

    1. Mike, seriously, is this a set up? Come on, please, tell me the truth. Did James put you up to making such a harsh and totally un-loving comment? Because, Mike, if you are actually being serious, I ‘d have to tell you that you certainly don’t understand or appreciate the depth of the wisdom James is living. James is about as close to being as Christ-like as a John St. Julien. Mike, if you are being serious, I can honestly tell you that James is DEEP, like RALPH WALDO EMERSON-DEEP. Now, Mike, just supposing I am correct about the depth of James True, wouldn’t that reveal the fact that your comment about James is both false and horribly offensive? Whatever the truth is, I love you like a brother and I’m absolutely positive that James does too.

    2. I also found James via the Richie From Boston co-stream. How’d I find Richie? I don’t remember, but it wasn’t many days prior… ..before this hogwash I hadn’t been very active online, save for playing Words With Friends and looking for useful free crap on Craigslist…not until it became a necessity did I strap into the Total Recall chair to peel the onion. I suggest maybe you lose your mind as well. Do I think the towers were empty? No. Is it a possibility? Yes. Tower 7 sure was. All that aside, how does it feel to mouth smile at some terrified masked neighbor and have them eye smile back? It feels good, right? We’re invincible while we’re here. Why not go out and broadcast that immortality?

      I walked in between the cash registers as I was coming into the grocery store and the cashier said, “Sir, we don’t walk that way..” But you see, I already had. And that’s exactly what I told her. I was well beyond the point of turning back to walk the new, acceptable way. What does compliance to the corral policy achieve? Conformity. My disobedience was their own doing because they closed off one entrance as to be able to count me upon my arrival, so naturally I took the next best route after I cleared the first checkpoint. It’s what we all must do. Some stores have started having one ways down the aisles. How do you think I approach that? Like an American Gladiator Champion, that’s how.

      1. Thanks for posting the YouTube video of the Veritas Radio interview. It was excellent. I was banned by YouTube for hate speech, which is really more like being a pain in the ass, but this ban includes excluding me from either watching or commenting on any YouTube video. Ive had to work a little harder to entertain myself but I’ll live. I can watch YouTube Videos on my work computer. Getting banned by both YouTube and Vimeo are my gifts from Ba’al. I’ll be better because of it. I now visualize their CEO, Susan Wojcicki, a rather plain looking woman, bless her heart, on my massage table, listening to me intently as I philosophize about various matters, while I give her a tender, loving massage and mean it too. Now, that’s me being compassionate without consenting to my banning. I understand. I have always thought about one of Emerson’s qoutes, which read “”You gain the strength
        of the temptation you resist.” I honestly believe that this verse has really helped me, over the years, resist the temptation to do many destructive things. The main reason I liked Owen Benjamin was that he was honest enough to teach others about JIZ retention, one of the truly powerful teachings. Regardless, I appreciate you JAMES TRUE. You honestly do make THE MOST HIGH happy to be all of this. You have truly become one cool Son of God. As I re-read my comment, I thought another cool book title would be:
        That’s what (I AM) you are now and (I AM) you are simply getting cooler and cooler day by day in every way and that’s so damned cool. Yes!!!

  7. We must neither accept NOR reject Evil, Ba’al, or whatever else one calls it. One must wrestle with the Shadow to be sure, but we need not identify with it. It is a false dichotomy of our mind to always make left/right, good/bad presumptions, instead of looking for both/and solutions. Perhaps that is part of what you are describing James? Perhaps that’s the meaning in the Holy Trinity? …and multiples of 3 that dominate much of our spiritual literature….the importance of the Holy Ghost which floats above our need to choose between Mother/Father.

    1. I agree the number 3 is certainly significant and I also think it plays into the holy trinity, I first started doing my research when my mum fell ill in 2010, my background was health and nutrition so I continued along those lines, inevitably of course it took me down many roads of research. Walter Last speaks to this, ‘mind, body, spirit’ as do many others, and to the fact that healing can only take place when we look to all 3 elements, which of course can be called whatever you wish. Perhaps we should be taught sacred geometry in school! The male and female energy was I think the same, just as we all carry both energies inside us. Yet again, we have been deceived, what is true and natural has been overlaid by that which is not, for the purpose of using and controlling us. In the bible (and I am certainly not one of those who has studied it), much in there rings true, conversely much does not, in any lie there is a grain of truth. The truth is inside of all of us, bringing up this knowledge is not an easy thing to do, researchers and writers such as James are like a breath of fresh air to me, he is not afraid of losing readers because he speaks his truth, and much of it is my truth also.

      Their God is vengeful, in my opinion, he pits man against man, my creator is not he/she created us and all life on this planet, of course there is duality it has to be, but it’s all about the balance I think, one should not be more dominant than the other, balance means it all works in synchronicity, out of balance it does not. It is all in plain sight for us to see, but we have been blinkered for a long time, and we live in fear, which is the fetal position.

      All the researchers bring their experiences and skills to the table, some are easier to pick up on than others, and of course you can’t always agree with everything they believe, they all help us to begin to remember what we already knew/know.

  8. I first heard of John Lamb Lash from a fellow attendee at AV8, I read some of his work at that point, then as with other researchers I have read, I go back and re-read or take on more of their work. As someone who is not religious, I have gone through all of the stages I think, belief in God, then renamed ‘him’ as source, Jesus as a real man then as possibly several men rolled into one, and potentially just an archetype. I have recently gone back to JLL with this ‘virus’ situation and re-read Sophia (female energy) and Christos (male energy) as the Aeons. I do think that the earth is our creator, earth is a living breathing organism. We particularly connect with her when we are in nature. After reading many researchers on the God issue I feel closest to this one. The mind virus
    (Archons) infectedd a group ‘race’ of people thousands of years ago, and they (this group) were promised the earth by the Archons, this was a lie because the earth was not theirs to give. So we are faced with individuals who think they own the planet, and all that lives on it and can do as they please. The mind virus has made them void of what we would term humanity. They control with fear.

    I also suffer with issues from amalgam fillings and have one of my children with vaccine issues. I personally no longer pay into learning lessons on earth or having to suffer to ascend, I think everything that is organic has had an inorganic layer placed over the top to disconnect us from our source, however this will ultimately fail for the perpetrators and they know it!

    I too am tired and feel frequently alone, like the only sane one in the mad house! I think we maybe in some kind of loop and that this earth is making corrections, but she does need our participation. We can do it!

    1. Heather- I too like the tenor of JLL. His emphasis on spirit being Earth centric, rooted in the soil, is most important to me. That element also attracted me to Captain True (if I can call him that!?) Do look into the works of Rudolf Steiner, who foresaw many of the problems that have become manifest now, over 100 years ago. His philosophy of Freedom is a great place to start. Peace be with you Sister.

      1. Yes I have heard of Rudolf Steiner but as of yet I have not read any of his work. I will certainly have a look at it, thank you.

        I agree, I too like James’s style of writing, and the passion he has.

        It’s funny really, when I think about it, I am not a people person, I like my own company, always have, the funny part is, I have had a relatively large family, 4 children, and I have a passionate anger against those who live their lives knowingly causing loss, harm, injury, sadness, misery and ill health against my fellow man/woman, rather like being an over protective mother, which is exhausting! All I want though is everyone to be happy, so that they can all go about their business and leave me in relative peace 😉

        Peace be with you too D. E. Saccone.

    2. Hi heather i know this is a very old post but i was rambling around online and got caught by your comment on everything organic having an inorganic layer and i can tell you that from my personal experience you are very literally correct. I was born and raised in arizona (how much i love and miss my home i cant describe) on one hand it is a sacred place none like it on this earth and on the other its a terrible place where the bad guys practice and test their poisonous science before they bring it out into the world. Anyways i was born right before they really started dumping that garbage on our heads and so i have a unique perspective of being able to remember before that when the sky was still blue and the after. I feel you when you say you feel alone thats why im telling you this story so on those days you feel lonely you dont have to. I watched every single person i ever knew go insane. Change from themselves into something else, im talking complete 360, into unrecognisable near monsters people who i would have sworn on my own souls would never do or be the things they became in the end. The nightmare i lived during those times was what saved me from that fate. i hardly try to tell anybody cuz i sound like a massive liar i just keep memory to myself now. So some 35 years later i looked in the mirror and saw my mothers face in mine in the mirror and had been having more and more crazy my moments of lucidity had become only 3 or so maybe in a year and on that day i understood that it had gotten me too and im guessing maybe i had five years left at that point before i would die in some hospital like an animal screaming in pain being eaten alive from the inside out insane and cut off from anything left in me that might have been human. But my mind is strong because it was formed under such harsh circumstances and on that day i decided to live and long story short (too late i know) i began extreme measures to save myself. And so some 3 years later of the most strict measures you can imagine and i mean without a days failing to do so my body has began to push out whatever that garbage was that constantly fell on our heads and (im no doctor or scientist) but there hasnt been a damn bit of it that has looked like any living thing ive ever heard of or seen its more like some weird malleable plastic with all kinds of glittery metal, fungi, and parasites mixed in and it is a literal layer right under my skin that my body doesnt process it has to come out thru my skin and has never broken down it comes out in sheets more or less. So anyways i just wanted to reach out and say youre way closer to correct than crazy and i know its a rough road when you cant shake anybody but yourself out of their blindness. Ive come to understand that theres very very few that get a chance thru whatever circumstances to live this lifetime in the light with eyes open and even though its difficult its a great and rare gift and we have to radiate that light out into the darkness however we can as best we can so even if nobody notices we can go to our graves with honor and reach the next lifetime and the next and next with greater and greater capacity to store and then radiate that light out into this world. Good luck do what you gotta do and i hope you the best. 😉

  9. A lot of important points you were in the middle of making were omitted by the video skipping. it happened several times but if you go to 39:20- 39:28 mark in the video there is a very obvious one. As I said there are several throughout.

  10. I’m new to your videos and writing and I’m finding it all very interesting. One of the questions that keep coming up for me is why? I understand the need for dualities to develop compassion etc. I just don’t understand why all the suffering is necessary and why we weren’t put on the earth with these skills to start with. I’m familiar with John lash’s work and the pre Christian gnostic theory. I guess I’m just wondering about whether all this was accidental to start with and then became intentional via a system that corrupted our earth. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    1. Joe I don’t know if this answers any of your questions but I remember reading (I think it was Rudolf Steiner) who said because we have to go through these things our astral body develops differently than if we have it all given to us. A loose analogy is a self made millionaire compared to someone inheriting it. For me I have copped some sort of an injury where I don’t feel emotions in a normal way but I know they exist somewhere in my being. I care for people but don’t feel it. I push myself through and if I can make it to the end whilst pursuing Truth I will have built something special. Sometimes though it is hard thinking of living like this for another 40 odd years. My injury I guess was from maybe vaccines, or the large mercury fillings I got when a kid that laid me out for days. My gosh the carnage of those school vans.

    2. If you look into krishnamurtis writing, like in the nameless experience… there really isn’t such thing as duality. There is no this or that. Love is not the opposite of hate. Everything is its own. Seeing each thing in its own stack, helps you see the frequency of each behavior and you can decide what you tune into. As well notice your own strength and weakness on the equalizer of life.

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