I sent a video of 4 nurses-turned-orderlies surrounding a patient as he begged them to stop. One of my hospital administrator friends had zero problems with it. This was a day after he had said he was “too busy saving lives” to hear or see any reports or panels from a Duke/MIT doctor on the anatomy of Covid-19. Meanwhile, he is employed by Raleigh’s premier hospital, WakeMed, and no one inside has ever seen a coronavirus under an electron microscope or considered the science of exosomes.
This is a virus of evacuated humanity surviving inside a hollow host. Listen up, people: that dude was one of my closest friends. If he won’t listen to me, he will not be listening to you, either. He is immune to appeal. He has decided that assault is saving lives now.
People don’t understand the war that has been unleashed on the populace. The government has weaponized the national guard and the healthcare industry to make us “clean.” If biological-cleansing doesn’t scare you, I suggest you head on in to the hospital and ask them for a shot to vaccinate you from your own humanity. That’s the state’s prescription for all of us, now.
Remember: the people who gave children vaccines are your biggest, largest, most imminent threat, right now. They will insist needles are good for you and won’t care if it kills you. They have projected their shame into your body and turned it into a bio-weapon – and vaccinating all of us is the only way for them to feel better. The vaccinated don’t want you to feel better – they want them to feel better.
Anyone who’s taken the time to study vaccines represents truth to them. They need that truth vaccinated to stop the pain from their own guilt. What makes my friend so dangerous is that he is an innocent victim. He signed up to help people and the system lied to him. He will never admit he was wrong. Society took his ego a long time ago. He is lost in the spellcraft of language:
abortion = reproductive services
genital mutilation = sanitation services
medicine = fentanyl and aluminum
safe and effective = mercury injections
immunity = swine parts injected below the skin
cancer therapy = radiation poisoning
never asking about diet = practicing medicine

Modern medicine has built its entire foundation on germ theory. Germ theory is the idea that the poison is inside you. Terrain theory is the idea that the poison is on the outside. Why do hospitals not consider terrain theory or diet? Because they practice protocol instead of medicine. Why? Because the system was rigged long before they got here. Dr. Kaufman recently interviewed Dawn Lester and David Parker on The Real Science of Germs. There is much to unlearn.
FACT: You can have a specific germ in your body and not be sick.
FACT: You can be sick and not have the specific germ.
FACT: Germ theory is flawed.
This same lie was used to indoctrinate millions in the horrors of the military. These people in charge of these industries know exactly what they are doing. They have weaponized narcissism. The situation will grow worse, unless a revolution happens inside the healthcare industry. I can tell you this though: it will not be coming from my friend. I don’t think it will come from anyone inside the machine. It would be like when I was in the Navy trying to convince everyone around me we had to stop hurting whales with sonar. My conscience and empathy were a threat to my crew and national security. The same scenario now surrounds the entire world. Calling yourself an “essential worker” is weaponized narcissism. How many times do we have to go over this?

The military is now in the business of medicine and none of you gets to choose your doctor. Ask yourself. When did the government become in charge of every medical opinion in America? Then ask how can you get a second opinion. Is it even possible now? You can’t enter the state of Florida without being tested for a virus you were born to produce.
Those of you remaining silent are compliant. I just wanted to make that clear. You are allowing this to happen. The future will never be the same. What happens in the next 30 days will change the course of your DNA forever. The door is closing. The people insisting Trump is Hitler now want him to round everyone up and rape them with needles. These people would rather put you to sleep than wake themselves up. This is going to be very messy. They will treat you like a virus and put you in a body bag for not complying with their guilt. We are being invaded by a zeitgeist that infects our minds. The virus is a glue made from conformity and compliance.
Doctors, Nurses, Cops, Firefighters, Lawyers, and anyone with a tie: you will kill more by following orders. Do your homework. Stop pretending there’s such a thing as experts. Compliance will lead to millions of lives lost as a result of mass economic collapse. The Great Depression killed 7 million people. All of our food comes from the same trucks. The situation will be nineteen times worse by Winter and history will claim it was the fault of the unvaccinated. A plaque will be bronzed, immortalizing Covid-19, the humanity virus.
Everyone who calls themselves a doctor is officially unemployed. Our doctor is the government, now.
My book The Technology of Belief is on shelves now! Buy your copy on Paperback, eBook, or I can mail you an Autographed Copy
I run Awakecarolina.com and I sent Rand Paul the massive folder of research I collected after the FBI (3 real and or fake agents / hired intimidation men with handguns) 6 months or 7 months ago perhaps according to my now fragile memory as the pandemic has turned my SRA abuse witnessing that left me with severe PTSD alongside being beaten by Wilmington NC gestapolicia and the Vice Officer of 20 years handed me over after pulling me over illegally and nobody read me Miranda Rights and I was forced out of my Honda Civic and frisked at 3am on a cold February night as a 5th year senior with a 3.8 in my major at the University of NC at Wilmington. UNCW and UNC-Chapel Hill are master masonic indoctrination plantations where good kids from rural NC communities in Alamance County to Orange County who fail to aquire Ivy League ba’al game scholarships are told to attend after High School which actually felt like a decent social experience considering Mt high school gave me opportunities to rap as a white straight male (and no I’m not privledged because Jewish Privledge isn’t White Privledge because apparently Khazarian Mafia and Vatican Satanic Pedophiles who attend Bohemian Grove typically aren’t the average working class upper middle lower class slave with a 401k and their Milennial Generation Indigo Children such as I Derek Christ or once known as DY Na$ty recieved SS number given to us millennials deemed lazy and addicts and our baby boomer / Gen X parents who adapted to the matrix by doing what they were told and being rewarded for working at Telecom companies such as AT&T and GlaxoSmithKline which our grandparents deemed a clear definition of “success” because they came from the age of young children raised in a 20th century dust bowl, women praised the actress being raped by men off screen like Epstein Weinstein and Goldbergs and Oil Baron Billionares owned the 3 news channels they watched as the TV was introduced and flappers sexist patriarchal Cassablanca Golden Hollywood Era created the birth of the idolized actresses and gentlemen in suits were swell and suave. The flapper gals were icons to young women who were beaten by suit and tie employees who couldn’t even recognize they were enslaved to green paper and movies changed history to make the enemy the victim and the abused minorities and mass population according to the FM Radio frequency casting waves of chaos into the automobile Ford model car led to nefarious schemes and usury became normalized as The Roman Empire and British Royals secretly controlled the USA despite the masses being poisoned by the Rockefeller Pharma Drug Cartels and PTSD was introduced with World Wars crafted by the same enemy who controlled both sides and profited off human sacrifice by the millions over time it looked as if human nature was a darkness incurable but scientists and inventors were branded lunatics and ridiculously ridiculed as a Zionist World Congress took over our cities which began a dark era of post-war Mafia control and the Roman Empirical Bloodlines managed to invert everything so that good was evil and evil was deemed success as long as you could afford a house with a white picket fence and went to Jesuit Crypto Talmudic Kabbalistic Satanic Classes for Mathematics and Scientific Left Brain Rewards were granted to sociopaths and narcissistic misogynistic wife beaters and men who did nothing but work for money while never caring how there corporate entities controlled their ego identity and subconscious while flouridated water and dentist visits calcified the youth of American Dumbocracy and Nuns hit young girls in abusive clerical pedophile run masonic fake Christian schoolyards and if you didn’t stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (resembles Nazism as we depict Hitler Youth in our Jewish Zionist Ashke-NAZI Textbooks designed by Master Masons and Texas Instruments Slap Phallic Symbolism on the wrist as the ruler hits a kid and as he fights back using clever words that are sensible and brave to denounce the teacher abusing him and or her they responded by creating DETENTION a time out so horrendous and feared by school children as well as the visit the Clergy Run Principles Office where Catholicism Torture occured sexually to people I’ve met in rehabs for trauma and addiction treatment which recently I was guilt tripped into going back to The Refuge in Florida despite 6 years of sobriety from everything but psychidelics that help my mind and release chronic stress from the mind of we indigo crystal children who have reincarnated to Earth thy mother Earth whom is censored from scripture and non-canonical scriptures accompanied by Methodist ideological frame of Christianity through peace and no shaming is all I can accept as true to Christ but as a reborn Christian who stumbled into a life of fame and luxury as I chased idols I felt envious of and or jealous of because many young women I met over the years are so brainwashed by a feminist movement that is inverted like everything else i see as fake woke anti social justice accompanied by muzzles and censoring conservatives and or conspiracy theorists which is a label used with an unimaginable negative stigma that is foolish and highly ignorant considering the CIA created the term with a contradiction of spell-ing utilized for the benefit of the 1 percent whom most of society is now aware of but the lack of belief in testimonials of satanic ritual abuse and the disbelief of supernatural other dimensional vibratory frequency on a vast inter to multidimensional quantum metaphysical objective truth considering the research I did before I saw blood sacrifice of a child by hooded black robed heathens that truly led me to God whom isn’t the G_D of Judaism and YHWH Jehovah Tetragr___tron Yahweh LORD = Demiurge of Saturn and The Lord Archon worshipped by the 13 (far more than that) but 13 Illuminati Bloodlines described in high detail by Fritz Springheimer and i apologize if my spell-ing might be incorrect on names or words I write in this very long detailed enlightened comment that is extremely vital to read considering who I am and what my life story has become since I experienced contact with the God whom is benevolent I call father and my reawakening at night after seeing my friends for first time since moving home from Los Angeles (it is dark joke because it is Los Diablos) on Oct 28 i came back to the countryside suburban home I left to pursue a life of glory ego fame fortune and musical creativity yet I found God & Satan through a religious horror story I didn’t ever know could be true and my Lumerian past life stories match writings and poetry I wrote years before I even knew what Lumerian Culture was or a Zionist Agenda I had overlooked despite researching secret societies associated with dark magick of the left hand path and I never had any idea the level of sickness within a hidden hand blatantly visible now as I drive past McDonalds I see Mason 13th degree sideways as Arby’s meets my third eye God granted visionary existence I decipher another 13 sideways as 5G yellow flashing fake road construction trucks, white vans with no doors and padlocks at 6 letter Sheetz across from i-40, 5 black helicopters fly by mi casa hours after my drive along with private planes followed by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon audible to me but no others I live with and my sensory gifts and curse is called mmr induced autistic high functional “mental health issues” which UNC hospital said was GAD generalized anxiety disorder so at age 7 because I couldn’t listen to car radio because it hurt me so much I would scream as LF UHF inaudible frequencies purposefully creating static made me freak out because two noises at once make me irritable if one is low frequency and low vibratory frequency AM radio talk shows about sports as i attempted to escape the i-95 florida 13hour drive from hell as my older siblings said what is wrong with you and bullied me for my intuitive empathy and autistic meltdowns that i never knew how to stop until DBT therapy and meditation which I sought out myself because doctors and psychiatrists are less caring than urban drug dealing black men with no degree or opportunity to get one so the result to selling weed which landed their father in pri son aka RIP Son or Pri[ory] of S[!]on a secret society spoken of in the mainstream novel based on true history mashed into different backgrounds known as Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code which interestingly stars Tom Hanks who was considered by a website which ranks kindness of celebrities to be the nicest and Hugh Jackman was another highly liked celebrity. Jared Leto and the also diagnosed aspergers autistic actor Dan Akroyd were rated the meanest in random public encounters but Tom Hanks is a blackmailed pedophile adrenochrome salesman apparently and pictures of him emerged regarding the very real Pizzagate narrative the media quickly Snopes’d and Fact Checkers became a problem around the time Obama photographs of him in a satanic outfit with his buddy from Chicago were discovered and Comet Ping Pong videos were found. A man from NC (the most revolutionary state in America which said fuck a mask and Cooper the Darth Vader Puppet of the Rothschild Family and Kamala Harris Joe Biden Fake Elected Empire of Communist Bolshevik Marxism disguised as civil rights despite Jews funding BLM and Alexander Soros funding Antifa violence from Portland to slavery state of chaos known as Chicago who’s former Emperor Rahm Emmanuel ran with his democratic inverted satanic fiends and demonic Zionist Ashke-NAZI 4th Reich Gestapo who promotionally cause gang violence and human sacrifice via black on black shootings the news never talks about daily. Mick Jenkins can paint one portrait via musical art as 69xine paints a vivid memoir of a modern negro slave on a contract of Jewish exploitation where him and Lil Uzi Vert and the kid friendly fan favorite who went satanic as fuck to the point his alias used a legend like Nas in his alias Lil Nas X which is bafoonary monkey shit and the bitch BLM Jewish owned music label African American 21st century trash rapper house slave & the sell out immoral clown sold Nike shoes with a Bible verse on side referencing the descent of Lucifer with blood inside the shoes and we all know what RED SHOES are from Epstein Island and Bill Jefferson Rockefeller Astor-Clinton the husband of the criminal kid killer featured in FrazzleDrip which I never saw but I saw still images on Twitter when Ellen DeGeneres abuse of employees on her pizzagate show of mockery and disgusting comedy skit of pretending she was like a white Oprah oh wait Oprah threw up after The Good Club 2010 depopulation billionaire secret meeting which was attended by dollar ba’al Bill like dollar bill $ Gates as in Prison Gates or Epstein’s Lair of Caged Kids behind Assyria Temple elevator cctv security gates of Little Saint James where Zuckerberg is photographed surfing in white face and sunscreen all over his face and he looks like a ghost or DARPA kidnapped an Alien who is being used by Deep State as the fake cover CEO of Facebook which was a Harvard “Jason Group” scientific facial recognition voice analysis data collection scheme disguised as a social networking creative tool for entrepreneurs and activism and after it monopolized internet communications it censored all rougue citizens such as morally decent people exposing the fact we refuse to take orders or obey vaccine travel regulations and even Stanford University and the 4th largest magazine were censored from all platforms designed to be outlets for expressing interest in any topics with unlimited content and craftsmanship was the FB I knew and the discovery of group chats with like minded people and a positive thought diary for the masses of the globe well actually dome flat plane with underground hollow labyrinths and vast oceanic areas never ever known to mankind except for the Sons and Daughters of the Watchers who raped human women and left us cursed with a part reptilian brain which is driven by primal desire not rational thoughts and human beings need to admit we are enslaved to meaningless paper printed by satanic possibly non human archontic chimera forces and alpha Draconis ETs we have read of in almost every ancient scripture, Essene to Gnosticism writings found known as The Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Scriptures are more important to read than any Talmudic Kabbalistic Jewish Bible or Torah Or containing 600+ commandments. Old Testament God Evil and Christ never actually names his father YHWH ever and revisionist code of numerical masonic secrets known as Hebrew Pythagorean Numerology and Simple, English, Satanic, Chaldean, and Jewish Gematria + other forms going beyond that known of modern number scholars for one can know Gematria without needing to use calculus or advance factor equations of absolutely no significant purpose taught in high school which led me to an untrue thought that mathematics wasn’t for me despite my A+ in Geometry I never went further than Algebra because I skipped class once factoring was being taught because I simply couldn’t find anyway to do it without having chronic pain in my pineal gland and all the math questions in confusing statements like Jennifer Anne is going parallel to a train of sodium monoflouride and toxic chemicals soon to be dumped in Louisiana at 65mph and the train arrives 5 hours before her friend who went a different road at 2/3 the length of the route taken by the train and Jennifer Anne at 85mph and the train conductor has to stop train for fueling at the 201st mile of his 1,333 mile route therefore what velocity, speed, and racial injustice is occurring specifically in regards to the toxic train and moving s such a speed while climate change warms the artic resulting higher sea levels, answer 1) how many mph is the toxic train traveling to Louisiana to dump IG Farben products, Colgate toothpaste waste supplies, and is Jennifer Anne and her transgender black friend given equal rights in this scenario?
Using variables and equations construct a phallic symbol such as a straight line that represents how the train conducter as a straight white man who is a devout Church attendee in his home state of SC and a Christianity advocate and science denial heretic despite the fact scientific evidence from evolution provided by Darwinism and DNA analysis of the brain and body of average white inferior males conducted in Tel Aviv is lesser than minority groups in regards to moral decency, conservative whiteness had a negative impact historically on climate change causing sea level rising above parts of Atlantic Coast causing a vastly disastrous and highly consequential environmental impact on black lives and Jewish hate knowing the past history of white men who drive trains and or cars has been a troubling issue for society when white privledge leads to viruses like the Beta Alpha Gamma Varient of 2025-2028 and the 2035 SARS-COV-3 found in the unvaccinated citizens who carry a Bird Avian Flu were put in FEMA Camps and cleansed of their privledged white dirty selfish narcissistic idiocy under The Pelosi Harris and Clinton Omar Administrations. This led to a massive civil war which resulted in scopolamine drones and the operation project Zyphr to detain rogue citizens in New Mexico detainment facilities for scientific studies and health related services which include psychological brain treatment to make the domestic terrorists and science denial syndrome less severe in white children and young adults were in some cases necessarily deported to Marshall Islands and Malaysian Camps for Military Services. The population must be less likely to suffer another uprising to climate solutions which have shown progress in temperatures decreasing despite some rapid cold fronts causing issues in Appalachia Regions and The Yellowstone Explosion divided many as half the population was incinerated in less than 24 hours. The midwest is recovering. The California Supremacist Group of Neo Nazis think a nuclear attack or nanotechnology impacted Yellowstone due to their misinformation conducted by non experts and the WHO and CDC have labeled all scientists suggesting foul play as wanted dead or alive. Rewards are 100,000 a person. Passports Being Mandated Impact The Road Trip for Jennifer Anne and did the re-testing re-education civilian heroic contact tracing of good upstanding diverse citizens who paved a path toward global government unity and peace in the middle east after the experimental shots of the 4th and 5th wave result in a a justice for the Israeli Jewish Zionists who were beaten, tortured, and discriminated against for financial success in the Great Reset Social Security Taxation of Retirement Savings of Racist White People who Voted For Trump? Trump a man who tried to become a dictator and rig the election by claiming the Biden Harris administration followed unlawful election regulations even though Joe Biden was the most voted for President in history before the end of electoral college in favor of Facebook voting for social media users and Google Access Credit System which determined who should get more of a vote than others based on racial cultural theory.
The minority executive of 2033 and Clinton Drop Zone Establishment through Supreme Executive Powers paved way for The Green Revolution of 2030 and the casualities of the insurgency and attempted overthrow of The UN Soros Gore Thunberg German US Australian Accords For Earth Cooling Aerosol Vaccines via Stratospheric Aerosols sprayed into the air was Mandated by NASA 2025 Program alongside Greta and Clinton Administration’s Highly Controversial Dispersal of Aerosol Injections via Southeastern United States led by NATO UN disarming troops removed guns from all racist Americans and mentally unstable conspiracy preachers of misinformation a new form of hate speech and federal violation of law.
China Territories of CCP, Japan United Northern Union, Lithonia Zion, and Manitoba Northern Frontier of New Masonry (formerly known as Canada) New Canada United, New Zealand and Port Zealandia owned by the Australia Order of The Khazarian Empire, New Bavaria United, Isle of Elizabeth II, Windsong England, Republic of European Affairs in China Xi Norwegian Mountains (Occupied by China CCP formerly Norway) and the Harvard University Mass Shooting led to 2nd amendment being removed from The Bill of Rights as The Constitution is no longer applicable under pandemic life and climate change and Carnegie 2 Governance the train conductor is not helping as he denies taxation to federal reserve so he is not going to encourage diverse business as he travels to his destination if he orders frog legs but doesn’t atone for his own antisemitism goyim misconduct and white privledge to eat animals is illegal for white men and he is responsible for polluting us within the ecosystem under The Green Revolution. Should we call the Federal Court of Injustice For Pandemic Denial Tracing United Front of Science?
That’s a math question if we don’t win in 2038. Came to me like nothing. All subjects will be one class. Fact class vs. FICTION OF LIES AND WHITE PRIVLEDGE
Madison Avenue Estates multicultural slaveships of the 21st century where left brain egotistic self concentrated unconcerned for others no empathy lost souls and narcissistic rapists and rich men driving the mistress playboy model lookalike gold digger soon to cause a divorce and ruin another woman’s fragile heart as the working man has lost all sense of what is decent and just as he slaps the ass of his new 19 year old plastic bad bitch which she likes to be called as he chokes her and hits her if she refuses to fuck at workplace which is his office for he is a college liberal arts UNC tenured professor and blowing her sugar daddy for money, vacations to Hawaii whom his loving faithful wife of 30 years I told is a buisness trip and or teachers of biological studies conference highways, nd my ancenstry is of author but David Icke books such and Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs was found in a book according to the C I V government FOIA database on their own website even tolerate Camps called Schools alcohol prohibition era where most Jazz Musicians were masonic iniates tell lies vision and the liquid crystal display accompanied by drug stores and fluoridation and our parents praised as working hard and somehow a division of those 50-75 years old at birth alongside mercury poisoning via an MMR shot at 2 months and 4 months old which has a gated community with a giant wall inaccessible to us goyim students and or lesser than satanic sabbatean pedophile predator narcissistic egosystem capitalist communist fake woke elitists.
DUKE HOSPITAL HAD 0 PEOPLE INSIDE ALL BUILDINGS AND PARKING GARAGE WAS EMPTY. I SAW 1 INDIAN IN A MASK WEARING SCRUBS. MOREHEAD LABORATORIES AND WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE CARR. 1898 MASSACRE KKK ORDER OF GIMGHOUL 1898 NEWSPAPER ARCHIVE NAMES KENAN CARR AND MOREHEAD AND Says they wear Black and Red Cloaks with Skull Masks and they have Halloween Party guarded by cops on their payroll. Watch Gimghoul investigated by Murph. Nobody knows who these people are. Art museum at UNC has exhibition on Asia from Rockefeller and an Israeli Art Exhibition from past. Getty was bought by Rothschild Family and Gwen Tower Paltrow who was at the SRA ritualistic blood sacrifice I saw and law enforcement ignored my calls and mocked me. Fbi came to my house about my lab leak hypothesis being incorrect and Baric has them on a leash. Rand paul and me are exposing this. Help me shut down unc Duke labs of biology weaponry and gain of function only was banned from our taxes in China not here. Third Wave is second book after Future Shock which predicted this and it was published at 666 5th Avenue owned by Kushner where the microchips are made. This is genocide and WW3 there is no virus. The virus is chronic fear and stress and people becoming lost spiritually and mentally enslaved and mask wearing is destroying your brain and oxygen ph levels decrease enough to cause mental health issues and damage permanent. RT-PCR testing is fraud. 45 cycles for unvaccinated and 25 for vaccine microchip zombies soon to be archontic agentic behavioral nazi Germany 2.0 rats switching on the snitch line and scholarship lottery vaccine at Purdue is where it crossed line. Also fbi is a terrorist organization clearly they kidnap Michigan governor and blame q and Trump. 12 fbi informants set it up and the 6th was Fort Bragg Psychological Operatives 4th division and mossad. Antifa is ISIS. Isis is Cointelpro and militants in our marine force posing as terrorists that are Islamic. Iran has no qualms with me American troops and our government are the fucking war of terrorism inflicting pain on innocent civilization in the middle east. Nephilim Afghanistan caves and giants fighting us. Ziggurat of Ur occupied. We sent cia insurgents to destroy Latin America and we rape them at the border after killing their families. Fuck paying taxes to pedophiles and democrats are terrible communist Subversion terrorism by definition and Republicans are half sold out actually mainly. Rand paul Ted Cruz and Jonson and Tulsi I fuck with. But fuck the news. This is the actual holocaust and 39 million Christians were killed in gas chambers by Stalin Bolshevik Communist Jews and 120 million total from famine and rape and murder and firing squad. AshkeNAZIS are the Nazis. Hitler is Jewish. Stalin Jewish. Churchill Jewish. Japan has the health care system #1 in world. Our country has the most stressed out population in the world. 80 percent. Unbelievable mass psychogenic pandemic hysteria and 5G to stop 5D ascension of indigo kids they want to abort them and trafficking increases and they are sterilizing women you men need to all stand up and Walgreens is a terrorist organization covering up genocide and denying perscription refills before due date during WW3 and insurance won’t cover my mydaise and only 18 days of my ritalin. I want mushrooms to microdose dmt otc and lsd fuck beer and gasoline and cigarettes being sold at pharmacy is proof shit is fucked. They care about health? Ban cigarettes then you nazi jews took over usa in 1913 and bomb sank titanic not Iceberg that’s the fake movie like shoah biz swindler list and Oprah Weinstein Films. Aushwish had a fucking swimming pool and soccer field. Wake up jews are the nazis we lost ww2 you need to get up off your office cubicle and kick the boss of yours in the groin for making you be a robotic sheep slave for Jewish usury. Porn created by jews. Hollywood is predator central. Sra is everywhere. Witchcraft is the highest rising religion in our country. Fuck fireworks we are not free we still are slaves to Rothschild Jews who live in England retards need to be shaken until they see what the hell is going on. They are microchipping kids and doing worse in trucks at 3am behind Walmart.
If the virus gives you brain damage the second time will you even know you have it?
Hello James, I loved your Passover talk on Richiefromboston. At their end you said we should have a campfire to counter act passover. I live in an apartment, would lighting a white candle be ok?
Thank you, Lisa Antholt
It’s a great start!
James, God has brought me to your writings and videos There is an important conversation we should have. I am the woman rev 12.
You commenting is therapy for me 🙂 Thanks
What was the video exactly? It has been removed.
Love and hugs are always good energy, however it will not despatch this mind virus, I think some sacred anger is the only way. The majority are sufficiently subdued and docile, we have to direct our rightous anger at every perpetrator known and unknown. This home of ours – Earth/Gaia is on our side – she just needs to be tapped into – we already have our own organic network, it’s just that the Archons have layered artificial grids over the top!
Most are terrified, if not from the ‘deadly virus’ then from being singled out as a trouble maker, they interestingly enough changed the mental health ‘Act’ in March, to only needing one doctor to section you as against 2. Many are asking what can we do, what was their mantra – resistance is futile – well resistance should be the precursor to taking them out! We have to go all the way – they will not stop until they are down and stay down!
Just out of interest it appears that Boris the John’s son is now in an oxygen tent – of course he is – well he has done what he was directed to, so he will no doubt be joining the others on their lovely island – which we should locate and bomb!
Last day I saw Boris on tv in parliament he was stuttering, loosing it
having a breakdown. I thought they had just told him what the long term plan was, and he couldn’t handle it. I thought, well now he will get the virus while being sent for reprogramming, then Matt had to go too.
Sounds like emf. similar to how they were racking Merkl around in public with her shakes. how to you spell 3+2G?
This fits with Dr. Kaufman’s theory very nicely. The WHO test for coronavirus is looking to amplify a primer sequence that is a fundamental part of human chromosome 8.
Anyone know how I can get Dr. Kaufman to look at this?
Give a hug. Kill a virus. AKA love conquers all.
It’s affecting council workers too! I’ve had 2 guys drilling in the road at 8am on a Sunday morning, I went out to ask them what they were doing on a Sunday at 8am, when there’s no traffic anymore on a week day so the work could be carried out then. He was aggressive immediately, told me it was essential work putting in a phone line for a chemist (bull shit), said he couldn’t believe I was questioning him when he was an ‘essential worker’ – the borgs new buzz words, tried to belittle me! I took pictures of their vehicle and them (although they turned their heads away), told me I couldn’t take pictures, talked about ‘social distancing’ I said it was a public place so I can. I walked away and he followed me to see where I lived. I’m not afraid of these people, but I’m very concerned for my kids, although they are all adults now these times are really dark. I want to put a bullet in their heads I’m so angry, but don’t have a gun (I’m in the UK);) So short of physical harm I’m left with going into my garden and trying to get some inspiration on how best to go about it. It seems the majority are like Stepford wives, we need some protection spells and some ‘rite action’ spells to place on them. We can come together on our own organic network I just need to figure out how. I’m doing letters using their language against them, to various establishments – these are anonymous – I’m going to withdraw consent on all of our behalves, it’s a start until I can figure out a more impactful action! I know I’m short of time:(
I wonder how many people watched your 1st link to the nurse/orderlies corralling Brother Man in the hospital? I watched it all intently….twice, even though I felt like puking. Was it smart to call an ambulance and not expect them to dictate to you in this climate? No, though that’s hardly the essential point. He was clearly not on drugs and was making rational sense- even if rambling on….but he was SCARED, as he should have been! He was in danger. When we strip others of their dignity we also strip ourselves of our own humanity. Most psychologists would tell you his impulses were reasonable and grounded in reality….AND history. Problem is our healthcare workers, police, military etc are ill trained to deal with people as sovereign entities. Instead they listen to the inculcated entrainment of ‘higher learning’ , encouraging them to OBJECTIFY their fellow beings. Small minded (weak willed, dim souled) scientists still believe objectification is the golden rule, even though Quantum Physics, philosophers, psychologists and alchemist/shaman) have known otherwise for over 100 YEARS….what a sad parade. We need to have each others backs, be our brothers keeper, if we wish to hold on to our humanity. There are many humans on this planet. Too few are HUMANE. I’m gonna go puke now….
Was that for real or staged? Persons wearing paper masks with some “protective” clothing but with shoes&ordinary clothing beneath. Crisis actors to sell some fear porn. Sorry.
I’m glad you question it, but saying “sorry” implies you know.
yt shows removed by poster
What can we do? I’m with you on all this, but what can one person in the middle-of-nowhere Michigan, where everyone trust the mania.. what can she do?!
Dearest Laura, raise your voice, raise awareness! That is what moves mountains. If ur afraid of starving- fine. If ur afraid of death- well, maybe…ok. But DO NOT sell ur soul because you’re afraid of what others think of you. Both woman and men have been stripped of their own powers to MANIFEST DESTINY. Reclaim it. Bring your passion and feelings out into the light of day. We will all expire sometime…. but don’t go out without expressing the truths we/you know inherently. God may forgive you…but ur soul will be unfulfilled. That’s what you should fear most Sister. Love You
I am forwarding the Swiss doctors page on Covid19 to as many people as I know as well as Dr Ionnidis’ interview Perspectives on the Pandemic. It’s all part of raising awareness as you talk about.
I was asking myself the same question, Laura. I’ve always known that things didnt seem quite right & had been reading/watching/learning as much as I can. Now- thanks to James & others- I’m trying to educate myself past the truths I’ve already found. I’m still learning though, so mostly I feel ill prepared to argue facts with those who do trust the mania. I’m not afraid to raise my voice… it’s just way frustrating when nobody listens. Plus, their ‘facts’ are so skewed because of their blind idolatry. It’s like talking to a brick wall & it makes ME crazy!
I stand with you here in Michigan
Hope I have the guts to make like Able.
Thank you Mr. True!
Apparently USA will be going into full lockdown where everyone stays home except military, healthcare and police.
Secrets of Saturn did a good video on you tube about trauma based mind control and your book of course. Can you really expect a hammer to be a spanner? Somehow we were graced with an anti virus to the mind virus – we have to see that as positive
BlackGoo is the mind virus and most humans have been “infected ” by it.
I’m truly amazed that folks just cannot see what’s happening to them. They are walking around with the head bowed and complete compliance with the farmer. We Go to the supermarket and are herded through steel barriers just like cattle. I’ve always been of the opinion that you only go to see a doctor if you are ill. I don’t do doctors and therefore I’m not ill. An amazing piece of synchronicity occurred when I typed the above using voice command. When I said the word farmer it came out as pharma! Thanks for that universe. There’s a lot to be said for ego, most folks are having whatever ego they have left drained from them. Ego rules stop. Keep shouting from the rooftops we can recover this one person at a time. Let’s try and reach the tipping point quickly. Love to you and everyone.
Holy shit. We’re fucked. I never thought that the Spanish Flu might actually have been a time when the cabal culled the herd.
What do you think of this magick spell they might unleash to ramp up the panic, polarization between left and right, security measures, and global lockdown?
DJT proclaimed dead from covid 19. All hell breaks loose.
What magic can counter that powerful spell?
The counter spell is #HumanityIsNotAVirus
I had come to the same conclusion as James 10 years ago, that the cabal has been around since before Moses.
Thank you again Chief x
Thanks for keeping me here!