Babylon is gone. Even in my small town, it’s become impossible to live here. Every park and stream is closed to the public. Every store that is still open has plexiglass cages and bitter employees running the show. The stupidity is rampant and no one is listening to reason. The credit card machine is covered in a plastic bag while the clerk barks for me to slide my card underneath, where it’s magically sanitary. Many shelves are empty except wine and beer. Those are full.
The few nurses/doctors I am able to track down who are telling people they just don’t get it won’t explain what it is we aren’t getting. All I see are stories from friends of friends who retweeted from another friend’s page. If you are truly convinced people aren’t getting it, where is your commitment to truth and health?
If you know of anyone who is on the front lines, I want to share their story. A nurse I knew from WakeMed Raleigh scolded me on social media for not taking the virus seriously enough. I asked him to educate me about what he was seeing, but he refused. He claimed I would not believe him. But, I want the truth. I am willing to tell everyone, regardless of how bad it makes me look. I cannot find a doctor or nurse who is willing to share their horror stories with me. I had to find out myself.
This was posted on YouTube a few days ago. This is from WakeMed in Raleigh. The very hospital where my friend insisted I would not believe the carnage:
What I have found are numerous doctors and nurses who keep telling me the reaction and response to this threat are suspect and something else is going on that has nothing to do with covid19.
The only thing harder than convincing a soldier they are committing murder is convincing a nurse they are committing homicide.
In a foxhole, there is no procedure to stop fighting. On a ship, there is no procedure to stop launching torpedoes. In a hospital, there is no procedure to stop committing homicide. The only thing that can do that is humanity. But every person who dies on the field makes it harder and harder to change course.
There is no difference between nurses and soldiers. Both are trapped inside a procedure. Stop calling them heroes. Call them human. Upgrade them so they can find the strength to do the right thing. This is a war between the living and the dead. This is a war between humanity and corporations. These corporations have slaves who hated themselves long before this began.
There are too many of them. They run Babylon now. We will never survive in their world. We have to build a new one.
Wow man. Wow. Yes we have to build a new one. Although the title of this post is a bit misleading. I was more looking for info on how to escape babylon or whether to escape it completely or where to find the right balance.
Yes, I am glorifying in asking these minions (medical workers) where their compassionate service is? I glory in saying everyone matters and are essential. I respond with Z’I am not a patient’, at having the temperature gun pointed at my head. Sometimes it strikes me funny that overnight we became robots repeating the narrative from our invisible lips/with monkey faces’.
In reality, I feel an enlightenment has descended from heaven, as an answer to prayer. I no longer feel alone in my opposition to unrighteousness dominion, we are an army-of our creator God. I am learning patience I did not know I had for fear driven Zombies. But, can discern to some degree when it is appropriate to offer a bridge back to being Human not just Being for some trying to ‘breath’. Keep shinning your light on the darkness, so we can find each other-and drive out the darkness.
There is no building a new world if they have killed us with an injection. Sometimes the end is the end no matter how philosophically we choose to wax about our circumstances.
So true, James! You can really paint a bleak picture using nothing but the truth. I agree with your idea about rebuilding a new culture, a new world. The one we have now is just oozing pus in the form of ignorance and fear led by truly twisted souls, all of whom have swallowed the lies ( adrenochrome too) and live in utter fear and lonliness. Through their ritualistic (and truly psychopathic) dramas or enactments, they wish to shape, mold, and fashion the ideal form of living for all. Yes, they all deserve our contempt, for sure. However, because even the biggest asshole among them is still our brother or sister, literally, in a quantum physics-like way, we still need to feel COMPASSION OR LOVE for them, even when it can be difficult. We simply need to remind them that Dr. STEPHEN HAWKING was acting like a destructive asshole in his previous lifetime too, so Beware! KARMA IS ALWAYS PERFECTLY FAIR. God made it that way just because. James, I believe the best place to start rebuilding a new world of and for the lovers of TRUTH is for each person to begin with themself. Start with reading a 100 year old book entitled GOD-MAN: THE WORD MADE FLESH by Dr. George W. Carey. People need to understand and come to KNOW that they, individually, are made of some mysterious form of electro-magnetic energy or LIGHT, 100% so, which means they are, in reality, 100% Pure Light. We are incredible, seriously. We are literally God assuming each and every one of our identities. Until people understand the answer to the question, WHO AM I? ..
They won’t be able to correctly answer lfe’s second most important question which is, “WHY AM I HERE?”…and we are here to align our decision maker ( our Ego) with the mind of God within us. When we accomplish that, we do everything with God and our lives become magical. Now, that’s where we all need to begin…just answering life’s BIG TWO QUESTIONS. At least, this is what I honestly feel in my bones.
James, here’s a REAL scientific experiment/study we should push for and look into: find a secluded group of people, say way up in northern Canada or an Aleutian Island, with NO contact with the outside world……certainly they would not have been exposed to this supposed virus right? Now get them all tested with however many different testing techniques they have and see what happens. If any test positive for this ‘cv-19’ then we’ll have even more certainty that this whole thing is a hoax. Hope this idea spreads.
A papaya tested positive as well.
My daughter recently needed a cast removed from her arm. The nurse was in her 50s built like an outside dunny and butch as. There was no empathy and no soul there but plenty of aggression simmering. Due to her behaviour I lodged a complaint to the hospital. It makes me think of the exact type of person who would inflict forced vaccinations under buzzing fluoro lights. I was doing a job recently in a young psychiatrists office – I could see there was once a nice person there but it was being forced out, her mind was split in two. She has been indoctrinated in a profession that will give toxic devastating drugs and even shock treatments to people who are already in a state of mental agony all of which is backed by leading medical journals as “best practise”.
Personally, I like to tell folks about KARMA & REINCARNATION. When being an asshole might lead to living your next incarnation (lifetime) looking like DR. STEPHEN HAWKING, it makes some of the smarter folks count to 10 before saying or doing ugly things. I know it keeps me practicing The Golden Rule most of the time.
Tertium non datur!
Proverbs 6:6-11 New International Version (NIV)
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
7 It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
8 yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.
9 How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest—
11 and poverty will come on you like a thief
and scarcity like an armed man.
sluggard noun
slug·gard | \ ˈslə-gərd \
Definition of sluggard (Entry 1 of 2)
: a habitually lazy person
sluggard adjective
Definition of sluggard (Entry 2 of 2)
sluggardly adjective
slug·gard·ly | \ ˈslə-gərd-lē \
Definition of sluggardly
: lazily inactive
The first will be last and the last will be first.
Treasures in heaven.
Really enjoy reading your posts here James. Don’t get discouraged, you’re not alone. There are a lot of people who have their heart and minds in the right place, they just haven’t stumbled on a catalyst to get them “here”.
In my town in Canada, it’s almost business as usual. I won’t mention specifics, but I can tell you that the topic of Corona doesn’t come up some days in my interactions with many people. I rarely see masks. So everyone I see, I think that they must know enough not to cower at home.
Hey James. My name is Alexis. I started listening in on your streams just a few weeks ago. Chance, serendipity, course of the road that has been set for my life. Whatever the circumstance that lead me here, I do not care too much. And I’m not able to find too many other words to say to you right now other than thank you. And thanks to everything in my past, your past, this world’s past that has created the opportunity for all of this to happen. You know, I know, many others do too, everything will be ok. Speak truth and don’t ever be afraid of the beast. I’ll keep tuning in and if ever you want to reach out to a stranger, well times are strange enough. Peace.
This is the Fourth Reicht takeover of the Planet.
The mind control of these “heroes” is astounding. Our society consists of about 300 million cases of Stockholm syndrome. Give or take a few. What’s worse is that their intense denial of it reinforces their love for the slave masters. We have people with bolt cutters trying to cut their chains and they’re freaking out trying to find a welder to put them back on. They’re scared of the freedom. The unknown. The self-responsibility that comes along with it. They love being the victim. They can blame it on someone else and that someone else is almost ALWAYS the wrong person or group. Awakening is a long, slow process. The problem is that these people don’t have the luxury of that time that we had. It’s all being dumped on them at once and they can’t handle it. So they fight to stay a slave.
Interesting take man. I’m thinking about moving 7 hours away onto some land to build an earthship off grid and grow my own food. I can’t be far away enough from the mindless sheep.
Well, quite a few of them, at least the university-graduates and Pharmaceutical drug-pushers among them, had the luxury of “time,” but chose to spend it getting indoctrinated enough to be thrown a few bones the master’s table. Once they are ten years invested into a certain obviously baited path which furthermore makes them feel materially superior to those who did not collect such big baits but stayed on truer paths, fear of losing what they already have keeps them in check.
Therefore, even if they wise-up and come to more-or-less understand what is happened: that they were baited and hooked over a period of years into a trap, they will still try to hold on to the material baits they picked up along the way and that will keep them on the wrong path and unable to escape despite the awakened desire to.
What they need is inner-strength or wealth-of-the-spirit which cannot be obtained in significant amounts on the path they chose. They have to abandon that path and take the exact opposite one, follow the gurus of that path; then once the spiritual-wealth grows, the creativity and technological know-how to maintain a morally responsible zeitgeist in harmony with its inner-nurtured-and-protected ideas will also come.
Also, you can’t be for one part of the agenda being pushed by power and not for others. Therefore, since the powers-that-be are pushing veganism as the “healthy and moral alternative” to a standard junk-food diet with tons of bread and sugar, truthers (t-root-ers) should recognize that paradigm and refuse both ends of it and the midway part of it also which is “vegetarianism.” The real opposite to their agenda is raw carnivore and hence why coronavirus is an anagram for carnivorous and you see “beyond meat” promoted everywhere. Raw carnivore is what they’re really scared of, not a bunch of anxiety-ridden vegetarians and fast-food-junkies running around.
If you can even find it where you live, try drinking a bottle of Raw Kefir every day for a month or two and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s like finally feeding your system the perfect food. Add some non-sushi-grade wild salmon sashimi and you’re good to go.