Comment on 358 – it’s all serpentine. According to, and I agree, David Icke we are all deeply trapped in the matrix (low vibration material reality) ‘created’ by the satanic lords of matter (Satan from Saturn). Yaldabaoth is another name for the entity which wants all the credit for creation (Gnostics) and it is reptilian in nature and without empathy hence a world predicated on fear and death. And (skipping a bit here) there are the Illuminati who drink blood and murder children and are aiding and abetting their ‘masters’ to have even more control.
It implies that humanity is a formidable foe but, of course, doesn’t know it!
Comment on 358 – it’s all serpentine. According to, and I agree, David Icke we are all deeply trapped in the matrix (low vibration material reality) ‘created’ by the satanic lords of matter (Satan from Saturn). Yaldabaoth is another name for the entity which wants all the credit for creation (Gnostics) and it is reptilian in nature and without empathy hence a world predicated on fear and death. And (skipping a bit here) there are the Illuminati who drink blood and murder children and are aiding and abetting their ‘masters’ to have even more control.
It implies that humanity is a formidable foe but, of course, doesn’t know it!