It’s not your mind. That meat belongs to the hive. Gaia wants you alive and she needs the government to bring you to your knees and deliver its offering. The sacrifice is complete once you remember what you are. You are the living soil crawling its way to the surface.
We are the worms of Gaia. We are its parasite and bacteria. Media is the only contagion and we are society’s mold transmuted into lichen. We awaken with silicon smeared over our skins as we bask in a field of trillium crystal. The glow of RGB awakens ancient sprouts planted in the cerebellum so the lies of government can raise them to the surface.
Government is surrogate and doula. She is the fifteen-year-old chomping her gum on the cash from its fetus. Rainbow children are beyond gay — they are joy incarnate. The Aztec Flower Wars never ended. Each bloom basks in the blood sacrifice of ridicule forging a new flower. The fear of death makes it taste like eugenics but this is the blossom of sanctity from the stem of survival.
The modern tongue drinks future’s honey. Gaia is the hornet who planted her eggs in bureaucracy’s back and you and I are the insurgent larvae. We pupate and wriggle like maggots no one appreciates. We struggle to see through eyes covered in the papier-mache of news. Ignorance is an inflammatory response to the tearing of flesh from cocoon.

Oh how the government and nature collude. The conspiracy is so deep everyone is in on it. The government installs narcissism to bring children to its river to find empathy. The Pied Piper calls and many are too weak for the heroin of “Thank you for your service.” Yet, here we are. Emerged from the filth of our own compost like a creature from Kemet’s lagoon.
Flowers burn in peace under the sun. Every metal teaches. Every sword; every bullet; and every needle. Wisdom is subcutaneous. We try as hard as we can to inoculate ourselves from this truth. From the lead in our water pipes to the silicon in our plastic; metal is a hermetic ladder. The periodic table is a court of noble gases too laden for the court of Helios. We reek until we rise in an atmosphere of infinite patience.