I added black shirts to the menu here thanks to cafepress. You can now order any toon on a black shirt. Printing on black is more expensive though so the price is a bit higher. Black shirts sell for $23.99. They cost me $18.99 to make from CafePress. This is better than nothing though. Most screen printers can't print on black hence the bump in price. It does make the colors pop though. You can order the black tees straigh from CafePress for fastest delivery. I may make a few myself and offer them off this site in the near future. If there is a toon you want on black, just email me, i can add the toon on CafePress site in a matter of minutes and send you a link to order. All shirts are Hanes Cotton pre-shrunk. Design sits on the front of the shirt. Nothing is printed on the back. Also, note the the design doesn't over-size the a shirt meaning it's more about you than it is the shirt. Hope you like, buy stuff so this site can stay online. And most of all try and have a good laugh today.
Click Order Black Shirt to order now. CafePress is a pretty fast operation, you should have your shirt in notime. Their presses run 24/7 and they are big on customer satisfaction.