Chariots of Fire

We are chariots of fire hiding behind sheepskin. We run from our reflection through the forest. We stumble over synchronicities like roots on the trail showing us we’re all connected. You’d think this would bring us comfort but there is shame in being naked. This shame must be extracted before the alchemy is done. A woman is beautiful when she is naked. She extracts man’s salt as much as his oil. The oil of man is sand in the hourglass. Every grain is a testament to worship. We cannot pause God’s witness till Sunday in a church. Every second of every day is holy communion. Time is the lamp burning in a holy place. The ego turns its own mind. We are a vortex of aether. We are pulsing, portable humanoid suns. Some call the sun evil. Some claim it’s here to give you cancer. Even the things we don’t believe we worship. We are circuits in God’s electricity.

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” – Revelation 22:16

The Greek called Venus the Noctifer at sunset. At sunrise, she is Lucifer, the rising star. She is Isis, the queen of the morning. I fought with a giant for her honor. He shook his fists and cursed the dawn as he blamed his problems on a star. I’ve watched them all rape Gaia. They cut her down at Delphi. They chopped her fingers in the grove. They cast her into the fire. They raised her to the sky. Man makes a whore out of Babalon’s virgin. She is a sacrifice of oil to extract the salt. Satan is the salt. Lucifer is the oil. Man is the wick between. We are buried in one and anointed in the other.

The hardest woman to love is Liberty. Men cast their sin between her legs like a dumpster. We curse her bringing of the dawn. She calls us with a flame to extract our fear of torches. How can a man sleep with a burning torch? This is the meaning of Prometheus. We are too afraid to trust ourselves. We insist morality is a cruise control. We are farmers refusing to plant seeds. We insist God will come and drop each one in a hole. We are maniacally retarded at liberty and compassion. We are dragging ourselves kicking and screaming into the golden dawn.

17 thoughts on “Chariots of Fire

  1. Good morning James,
    The only REAL and AUTHENTIC conversation going on in the world today is Dojo Earth. I am still experiencing an excitement that feels like pure raw electricity EVERY time I tune into your podcast and the beautiful Dojo conversations. I know you say we are not here to win (thank goodness), however I do feel overwhelmingly fortunate (like I have already won) finding this community.
    I feel so much gratefulness I could just pop.
    Thank you and much love to you,

  2. Hi James, can you please clarify if you are saying “BabYlon,” referencing the capital city of Babylonia…OR, are you saying “BabAlon,” the goddess as found in “The Book of the Law,” by Aleister Crowley. I think you are talking about the first, but it will change things greatly if it’s the latter. Either way, I am another fan of your work. Your philosophy and take on things are quite different, and they fit into an underlying narrative that seems more and more obvious…albeit very difficult to see without another’s hints. So, thank you for that! Peace

  3. Thank you so much for your daily streams James. Your insights have given me much peace in my own world. Looking forward to exploring these ideas further in your books.

  4. I love your style of writing. I’ve been following your journey for a while, but I wish I’d found you sooner. What I’m learning from you does match up with what many others are showing me, but you explain it much better. I have much love and gratitude for you as we all continue on our paths.

  5. Thank you, James, for your intellectual point of view and knowledge. I am well-read and much travel man, but you have been taught me in your stream more then I learn for the last ten year. Keep on doing your research. You are blessed by God. You are doing a great job.
    In a forest, many moose wandering around and think it is the king till it met a real Bear.
    Bear is the humble animal and when moose is the one make it big sound.
    You are the real Bear!

  6. You are not god, no matter how much you want to be. You can not and should not decide what is true. What is true will always be true, even if you think you are the light bearer.

    1. I’ve not ever heard James claim he is god. I’ve never heard James express a desire to be god. What is true will not always be true, obviously. Example: you are a baby. Another example: you are dead. It is sure nice to read the words written by long-dead people and to take their word for good and evil and the nature of reality, huh? It cleanses you of any work, of any responsibility. You DO get to be a baby forever, after all!

      You showed up here to sow division through some misconceived attempt at rebuke, using lies you invented. You can invent lies, but you have no power over what is true? It’s all self-denial.

      We’re all on the same journey. You don’t need to pretend we aren’t.

  7. Thank you for your honesty, your insights, your courage, your genuine love and your assistance to those of us not ashamed to be naked. You are much appreciated by many who have never met you. Keep on being the real person you are.

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